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Jira configuration

Jira Service Management

Jira Service Management DC deployment is configured the same as a Jira deployment with several specific configuration values.

  • products = ["jira"]
  • jira_image_repository = "atlassian/jira-servicemanagement"
  • jira_version_tag = "4.20" # or other compatible version

Application configuration

Helm chart version

jira_helm_chart_version sets the Helm chart version of Jira instance.

jira_helm_chart_version = "1.2.0"

Jira version tag

Jira Software will be installed with the default version defined in its Helm chart. If you want to install a specific version of Jira software, you can set the jira_version_tag to the version you want to install.

For more information, see Jira Version Tags.

jira_version_tag = "<JIRA_VERSION_TAG>"

Jira image repository

To change the Jira edition you can set a different image repository. By default, Jira Software edition is installed. You need to make sure the appropriate version defined in jira_version_tag is available for the selected Jira edition. See below the available tags for each edition.

jira_image_repository = "<JIRA_IMAGE_REPOSITORY>"

Supported image repository values

Number of Jira application nodes

The initial Jira installation needs to be started with a single application node. After all the setup steps are finished, it is possible to update the jira_replica_count with a number higher than 1 and run to update the application node count.

# Number of Jira application nodes
# Note: For initial installation this value needs to be set to 1 and it can be changed only after Jira is fully
# installed and configured.
jira_replica_count = 1

Cluster size

Cluster Autoscaler installed in the cluster will monitor the amount of required resources and adjust the cluster size to accomodate the requested cpu and memory.

Installation timeout

jira_installation_timeout defines the timeout (in minutes) for product helm chart installation. Different variables can influence how long it takes the application from installation to ready state. These can be dataset restoration, resource requirements, number of replicas and others.

jira_installation_timeout = 10

Instance resource configuration

The following variables set number of CPU, amount of memory, maximum heap size and minimum heap size of Jira instance. (Used default values as example.)

jira_cpu                 = "1"
jira_mem                 = "2Gi"
jira_min_heap            = "384m"
jira_max_heap            = "786m"
jira_reserved_code_cache = "512m"

RDS configuration

Database engine version

jira_db_major_engine_version sets the PostgeSQL engine version that will be used.

jira_db_major_engine_version = "14" 

Supported DB versions

Be sure to use a DB engine version that is supported by Jira

Restore from snapshot

This value is ignored if RDS snaphost is provided with jira_db_snapshot_id.

Database Instance Class

jira_db_instance_class sets the DB instance type that allocates the computational, network, and memory capacity required by the planned workload of the DB instance. For more information about available instance classes, see DB instance classes — Amazon Relational Database Service.

jira_db_instance_class = "<INSTANCE_CLASS>"  # e.g. "db.t3.micro"

Database Allocated Storage

jira_db_allocated_storage sets the allocated storage for the database instance in GiB.

jira_db_allocated_storage = 100 

The allowed value range of allocated storage may vary based on instance class

You may want to adjust these values according to your needs. For more information, see Amazon RDS DB instance storage — Amazon Relational Database Service.

Database IOPS

jira_db_iops sets the requested number of I/O operations per second that the DB instance can support.

jira_db_iops = 1000

The allowed value range of IOPS may vary based on instance class

You may want to adjust these values according to your needs. For more information, see Amazon RDS DB instance storage — Amazon Relational Database Service.

Database name

jira_db_name defines the name of database to be used for the Jira in RDS instance.

If you restore the database, you need to provide the db name from the snapshot. If the snapshot does not have default db name, then set this variable to null.

jira_db_name = "jira"

NFS configuration

NFS resource configuration

The following variables set the initial cpu/memory request sizes including their limits for the NFS instance. (Default values used as example.)

# Jira NFS instance resource configuration
jira_nfs_requests_cpu    = "1"
jira_nfs_requests_memory = "1Gi"
jira_nfs_limits_cpu      = "2"
jira_nfs_limits_memory   = "2Gi"

Dataset restore configuration

To restore the dataset into the newly created instance, uncomment the following lines and provide all necessary parameters.

Database Snapshot Identifier and Jira license

jira_db_snapshot_id sets the identifier for the DB snapshot to restore from. If you do not specify a value, no AWS RDS snapshot is used.

jira_db_snapshot_id = "<SNAPSHOT_IDENTIFIER>"   # e.g. "my-snapshot"

jira_license takes the license key of Jira product. you must provide Jira license key when a RDS snapshot is used.

jira_license = "<LICENSE_KEY>"

The AWS RDS snapshot must be in the same region and account as the RDS instance.

You also need to provide the master user credentials (jira_db_master_username and jira_db_master_password) that match the snapshot.

Optimise the restore performance.

To obtain the best performance, configure Jira RDS that match the snapshot including jira_db_instance_class and jira_db_allocated_storage.

Jira license limitation

you can provide jira_license ONLY when a RDS snapshot is used. If you plans to provision a new RDS instance comment out jira_license and add the license key manually via application UI.

Please refer to Sensitive Data section.

Database Master Username

jira_db_master_username sets the username for the RDS master user. If you do not specify a value, username is "postgres".

jira_db_master_username = "<DB_MASTER_USERNAME>"   # e.g. "postgres"

Database Master Password

jira_db_master_password sets the password for the RDS master user. If you do not specify a value, a random password will be generated.

jira_db_master_password = "<DB_MASTER_PASSWORD>"   # default value is null

Shared Home Restore

jira_shared_home_snapshot_id sets the id of the shared home EBS snapshot to use. This will spin up an EBS volume that will be mounted to the NFS server and used when the product is started.

jira_shared_home_snapshot_id = "<SHARED_HOME_EBS_SNAPSHOT_IDENTIFIER>"

Snapshot and your environment must be in same region