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Bamboo configuration

Application configuration

Helm chart version

bamboo_helm_chart_version sets the Helm chart version of Bamboo instance.

bamboo_helm_chart_version = "1.2.0"

Bamboo version tag

Bamboo will be installed with the default version defined in its Helm chart. If you want to install a specific version of Bamboo, you can set the bamboo_version_tag to the version you want to install.

For more information, see Bamboo Version Tags.

bamboo_version_tag = "<BAMBOO_VERSION_TAG>"

Installation timeout

bamboo_installation_timeout defines the timeout (in minutes) for product helm chart installation. Different variables can influence how long it takes the application from installation to ready state. These can be dataset restoration, resource requirements, number of replicas and others.

bamboo_installation_timeout = 10


bamboo_license takes the license key of Bamboo product. Make sure that there is no new lines or spaces in license key.

bamboo_license = "<LICENSE_KEY>"

Sensitive data

bamboo_license is marked as sensitive, storing in a plain-text config.tfvars file is not recommended.

Please refer to Sensitive Data section.

System Admin Credentials

Four values are required to configure Bamboo system admin credentials.

bamboo_admin_username = "<USERNAME>"
bamboo_admin_password = "<PASSWORD>"
bamboo_admin_display_name = "<DISPLAY_NAME>"
bamboo_admin_email_address = "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"

Sensitive data

bamboo_admin_password is marked as sensitive, storing in a plain-text config.tfvars file is not recommended.

Please refer to Sensitive Data section.

Restoring from existing dataset

If the dataset_url variable is provided (see Restoring from Backup below), the Bamboo System Admin Credentials properties are ignored.

You will need to use user credentials from the dataset to log into the instance.

Instance resource configuration

The following variables set number of CPU, amount of memory, maximum heap size and minimum heap size of Bamboo instance. (Used default values as example.)

bamboo_cpu = "1"
bamboo_mem = "1Gi"
bamboo_min_heap = "256m"
bamboo_max_heap = "512m"

Bamboo Agents configuration

Agent Helm chart version

bamboo_helm_chart_version sets the Helm chart version of Bamboo Agent instance.

bamboo_agent_helm_chart_version = "1.2.0"

Agent version tag

Bamboo Agent will be installed with the default version defined in its Helm chart. If you want to install a specific version of the Agent, you can set the bamboo_agent_version_tag to the desired version.

For more information, see Bamboo Agent Version Tags.

bamboo_agent_version_tag = "<BAMBOO_AGENT_VERSION_TAG>"

Agent instance resource configuration

The following variables set number of CPU and amount of memory of Bamboo Agent instances. (Used default values as example.)

bamboo_agent_cpu = "0.25"
bamboo_agent_mem = "256m"

Number of agents

number_of_bamboo_agents sets the number of remote agents to be launched. To disable agents, set this value to 0.

number_of_bamboo_agents = 5

The number of agents is limited to the number of allowed agents in your license.

Any agents beyond the allowed number won't be able to join the cluster.

A valid license is required to install bamboo agents

Bamboo needs a valid license to install remote agents. Disable agents if you don't provide a license at installation time.

RDS Configuration

Database engine version

bamboo_db_major_engine_version sets the PostgeSQL engine version that will be used.

bamboo_db_major_engine_version = "13" 

Supported DB versions

Be sure to use a DB engine version that is supported by Bamboo

Database Instance Class

bamboo_db_instance_class sets the DB instance type that allocates the computational, network, and memory capacity required by the planned workload of the DB instance. For more information about available instance classes, see DB instance classes — Amazon Relational Database Service.

bamboo_db_instance_class = "<INSTANCE_CLASS>"  # e.g. "db.t3.micro"

Database Allocated Storage

bamboo_db_allocated_storage sets the allocated storage for the database instance in GiB.

bamboo_db_allocated_storage = 100 

The allowed value range of allocated storage may vary based on instance class

You may want to adjust these values according to your needs. For more information, see Amazon RDS DB instance storage — Amazon Relational Database Service.

Database IOPS

bamboo_db_iops sets the requested number of I/O operations per second that the DB instance can support.

bamboo_db_iops = 1000

The allowed value range of IOPS may vary based on instance class

You may want to adjust these values according to your needs. For more information, see Amazon RDS DB instance storage — Amazon Relational Database Service.

Database name

bamboo_db_name defines the name of database to be used for the Bamboo in RDS instance.

bamboo_db_name = "bamboo"

Restoring from Backup

To restore data from an existing Bamboo backup, you can set the dataset_url variable to a publicly accessible URL where the dataset can be downloaded.

dataset_url = ""

This dataset is downloaded to the shared home and then imported by the Bamboo instance. To log in to the instance, you will need to use any credentials from the dataset.

Provisioning time

Restoring from the dataset will increase the time it takes to create the environment.