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You can find the tests in the ./unittest and ./e2etest subdirectories under /test.

Unit tests

The unittest subdirectory includes module-level terraform plan validation tests. It is required to implement the unit tests for each module. Make sure each test case covers default, customised and invalid conditions.

End-to-end tests

The e2etest subdirectory contains the end-to-end infrastructure and product tests. The tests cover the entire deployment process, including the provisioning of resources into a cloud provider.

Each product will have one test function that covers all the states. The test function starts with generating configurations for a test environment. You can modify the configuration variables in the createConfig() function.

The provisioning process is as follows:

  1. Create AWS resources using Terraform.
  2. Create an EKS namespace (product name by default).
  3. Clone the Atlassian Helm chart repository and install the specified product using Helm.

Once the cluster and product are initialized, bambooHealthTests() function will validate the installation result.


See the How to start development guide for details on how your environment should be setup prior to running tests. The repository also uses Terratest to run the tests.

Setting up AWS security credentials

  1. Set up a user with an administrator IAM role. See Configuration basics — AWS Command Line Interface.
  2. Set credentials to connect to cloud provider. The project looks for ~/.aws. For more details refer to AWS cli-configure-quickstart.
Running unit tests

To run unit tests, use the following commands:

go get -v -t -d ./... && go mod tidy
go test ./test/unittest/... -v

You can use regex keywords to run specific groups of test cases. For example, you can run only VPC module-related tests with go test ./unittest/... -v -run TestVpc.

Running end-to-end tests

End-to-end tests take approx. 40–60 min. to complete. To run end-to-end tests, use the following commands:

export TF_VAR_bamboo_license='<bamboo-license>'
mkdir -p ./test/e2etest/artifacts
go get -v -t -d ./... && go mod tidy
go test ./test/e2etest -v -timeout 60m -run Installer | tee ./test/e2etest/artifacts/e2etest.log

GitHub Actions

These unit and end-to-end tests run as part of the GitHub Actions setup for this repo. You can find the configuration file for these actions in .github/workflows within the root level of the project.